Win32-chewing 0.2.0 釋出
Win32-chewing 0.2.0 釋出,請下載取用。
What’s New in Win32-chewing 0.2.0
- Attempt to support multi-monitor. (Not tested)
- Use new dictionary with new format and many fix.
- Support vertical composition mode.
- Display visual notification when user phrases are addad.
- Add an option to disable shift key
- Add an option to start IME with fullshape mode.
- Add an option to choose different SelKeys.
- Add an option to turn off status window.
- Add an option to add user phrases from the left side or from the right side of the cursor.
- New installer doing more check to ensure correct installation.
- Support typing numbers with numpad in Chinese mode.
- Enable the users to type the phonetic symbols ‘ˇ’, ‘ˋ’, ‘ˊ’, and ‘˙’.
- Fix wrong display of candidate window & composition window.
- Enhance stability and performance
- Add tooltips for the buttons in status window.
- Fix incompatibility with some games.
- Fix incompatibility with Java programs.
- Fix the problems which disable the normal usage of shift and ctrl keys.
- Lots of minor bug fix.